This blog is intended to be a continuously evolving archive and record of my work as part of the Rationalist Traces M.Arch unit at the University of Dundee. Hopefully over time a coherent theme will become evident in the work posted and by the end of the year this blog will serve as an artefact in itself, showing a clear narrative and iteration in my year's work (fingers crossed). -- Gregor Tait --

Monday, 1 November 2010

How to create a modern artefact... why is it important and is it still possible?

Skylines of London and Florence

How does a city’s self image develop and to whom does it present itself?
World context vs Local context...
Response to social and economic factors... Expropriations...
Mixed use, density, sustainability... Tower...
Changing program over time... Reuse of a tower...
Plan a project for 3/4 different iterations of function over time...
What gives an artefact the gravitas to influence its context over time?..