This blog is intended to be a continuously evolving archive and record of my work as part of the Rationalist Traces M.Arch unit at the University of Dundee. Hopefully over time a coherent theme will become evident in the work posted and by the end of the year this blog will serve as an artefact in itself, showing a clear narrative and iteration in my year's work (fingers crossed). -- Gregor Tait --

Saturday, 6 November 2010

House for Sebastian, who values solitude.

The internal geometry is skewed, emphasising separation from the outside world.
A hybrid of a bunker and a traditional Japanese house, this enigmatic structure provides solemn seclusion for one who wishes to distance himself from the world. 
Reading externally as a solid mass, impenetrable and without obvious orientation, this monolith reveals little to the outside world. 
The walls display both a thickness that implies permanence and a deliberate sharpness that deters encroachment. 
What openings there are appear to conform to some illusive internal logic, to which their deep reveals prevent insight. 
The roof hovering fractionally above the external walls fosters unease by refusing to divulge the secret of its support. 
The sharp edges of roof and walls evoke some mechanical trap held apart in tension, waiting to be sprung and to snap shut.

The thick walls provide a protecting envelope, their depth limits views inward.

The structure is a series of armour plates which are pulled apart to allow in light.