This blog is intended to be a continuously evolving archive and record of my work as part of the Rationalist Traces M.Arch unit at the University of Dundee. Hopefully over time a coherent theme will become evident in the work posted and by the end of the year this blog will serve as an artefact in itself, showing a clear narrative and iteration in my year's work (fingers crossed). -- Gregor Tait --

Monday, 6 December 2010

Bishopsgate Historic Composite

grey - built form              red - rail lines

The image shows six historic layers of the Bishopsgate area of london, at fifty year intervals from 1755 to the present day. The layering allows an understanding of the key spaces (white) which are present throughout history and of the permanence of built forms (dark grey). The presence of different amounts of railway lines over the years has a major impact on the development of the urban grain.