This blog is intended to be a continuously evolving archive and record of my work as part of the Rationalist Traces M.Arch unit at the University of Dundee. Hopefully over time a coherent theme will become evident in the work posted and by the end of the year this blog will serve as an artefact in itself, showing a clear narrative and iteration in my year's work (fingers crossed). -- Gregor Tait --

Tuesday, 28 September 2010

Light and Stone

stairwell with light from adjacent room
One of the most interesting things about Scottish tower houses is that despite (or perhaps because of) being military in origin, the spaces created are rather sculptural and beautiful. Rooms are often lit from several sides, at various heights and through a variety of openings. The practical requirement to build thick walls has led to strikingly deep reveals for daylight to wash over.

multiple window types in great hall